Rescue Princess Leia
Parody of "Hotel California"
"Rescue Princess Leia" is © of Matthew Kilpatrick and can not re reproduced with out the permission of him. To ask permission contact the Webmaster of this site and ask, she will ask Mr.Kilpartick from there. We will get back to you.
"1: It all started out on Tatooine,
with the 2 strangest droids Luke had ever seen,
The one called R2D2,
Said he belonged to Ben Kenobi
R2 played a message
From a pretty lady,
She was in a lot of trouble,
Obi-Wan was her only hope
Luke and Ben went to Mos Eisly
They met Solo and his Wookiee
Then they left in quite an uproar
From docking bay 94
In the all of the excitement,
Luke was not quite sure of himself,
But he remembered what Old Ben had said,
Not long after they first met:
You must help me rescue Princess Leia
Or the universe (or the universe)
Will only get worse (will only get worse)
You must help me rescue Princess Leia
Or the universe (or the universe)
Will only get worse
2: Well they made it to the Death Star,
Getting in was not so very hard,
But Han wouldn't even participate
Until he knew he'd get paid
They got her out of her prison cell,
Then everything went straight to hell,
Han was either going to kill her
Or beginning to like her
They all made it out alive
Except Obi-Wan who took a dive
But they all got their big reward,
And after they wrecked the Death Star,
Luke and Han were heroes,
Now far from being zeroes,
And during the ceremony,
They both thought the same thing
They were glad they'd gone to rescue Princess Leia
The most lovely face (the most lovely face)
In all outer space
They were glad they'd gone to rescue Princess Leia?
Han looked down her shirt (Han looked down her shirt)
What an awful flirt!
Accompanying Quotes:
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."
"The Princess? She's here??"
"Im Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!"
"Maybe you'd like it better back in your cell, your highness!"
"Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way!?"
"No reward is worth this!"