Here, you will see all of the starfighters of Star
Wars. (These are the ships from the first three movies) A lot of these
ships aren't shown in the movie but they existed. We will start with the
Rebel ships.
T-65C A2 X-Wing (X-W)
Manufacturer: Incom Corp.
Speed:100 MGLT
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BTL-A4 Y-Wing (Y-W)
Maufacturer: Koensayr
Speed: 80 MGLT
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RZ-1 A-Wing (A-W)
Manufacturer: Dodonna/Blisser
Speed: 120 MGLT
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Z-95 Headhunter (Z-95)
Manufacturer: Incom/Subpro Corp.
Speed: 100 MGLT
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B-Wing (B-W)
Manufacturer: [Not Found]
Speed: 90 MGLT
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Here are the Imperial fighters, in the movie you only
see the TIE Fighter TIE Bomber and a TIE Advanced x1 Prototype. Here they
TIE Fighter (T/F)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Speed: 100 MGLT
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TIE Interceptor (T/I)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Speed: 111 MGLT
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TIE Bomber (T/B)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Speed: 80 MGLT
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TIE Advanced (T/A)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Speed: 133 MGLT
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Alpha Class Wg-1 Assault Gunboat (GUN)
Manufacturer: Cygnus Spaceworks
Speed: 10 MGLT
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TIE Defeneder (T/A)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
Speed: 155 MGLT
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Missle Boat (MIS)
Manufacturer: Cygnus Space Works
Speed: 125 MGLT (without SLAM engaged)
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Phantom TIE
(Most Information Classified) After Admiral Zaarin's attempt to cloaked a corrilian Corvette in his Vorknkx project, all efforts were submidded to the cloaking of small star fighter craft. The project was under the command of Admiral Zonn. He was able to modify a B83 assault fighter with a cloaking device. The code name for this craft became the Phantom Tie fighter. Prototypes were tested near the planet Dreighton. When preliminary tests were completed, Lord Vader took control of the project and ordered the full scale production of the Phantom. A cloaked factory was constructed on the planet Emdar Alpha. Unfortunately the rebels destroyed the factory before the Utilization of the craft. The project has not been restarted. But the blue prints for the phantom fighter are still on Coriscount and are available for members of the emperor's inner circle. |
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Laser Connons- This damages the enemy shields and hull when shot out of the connon. Depending on what ship you have, you can choose what fire mode you want (single, duel or linked fire). Generally, Rebel have red cannon fire red and Imperial ships have green cannon fire.
Ion Cannons- This damages the shields
when you shoot at the enemy just as lasers do, but, when the shields are
gone, this damages the enemy computer system and disables them, leaving
them behind to be boarded.
Tractor Beam- When activated, any enemy in your target box looses control of steering. This makes it easier to shoot down your enemy.
Jamming Beam- When activated, any enemy in your target box looses the ability to fire weapons. This helps when preventing enemies from attacking capital ships.
Decoy Beam- When activated, any
enemy that has you targeted looses where you are and thinks you are somewhere
else. This really helps when someone is trying to launch a warhead at you.
Concussion Missiles- After locking on to an enemy and shot, this warhead seeks out its target for 25 seconds and when hits makes a powerful punch that knocks the ship out of control and damages it.
Advanced Concussion Missiles- This is an upgrade to the concussion missile. Its faster, more reliable, and tracts for 30 seconds.
Proton Torpedos- This is used to attack capial ships. This is much slower than missiles but adds a much more powerful punch.
Advanced Proton Torpedos- An upgrade to proton torpedos. Faster, stronger, and more reliable.
Heavy Rockets- Slower yet than the torpedo but has a powerful punch. This can take out a capitol ship in three to four shots.
Space Bombs- Very, very slow but unstopable. After launched it cannot be destroyed until it hits its target. It has the most powerful hit of all. 1-2 shots takes out a platform.
Mag Pulse- Most reliable of all
warheads. This was developed by the rebels but the Imperials later stole
the technology. It is the fastest warhead. When it seeks and hits its target,
it disables weapons temporaraly and drains the cannon charge.
Countermeasures are used for defence rather than offence (mostly defence from warheads)
Chaff- When activated, blue chaff comes out of the back of the ship for 30 seconds. Any warhead that comes close to the ships gets destroyed but the ship still spins out of control.
Flare- When activated, a flare shoots
out the back of the ships and heads strait for the enemy or warhead targeted.
It does hardly any damage to the enemy but spins the enemy out of control.