INTORDUCTION There was no escape. I was trapped. Storm Troopers surrounded me. The room seemed to grow smaller as the Storm Troopers and Imperial Officers drew in closer. I closed my eyes, waiting for the quick death that I had promised to me so many years ago. Nothing Happened. A shadow fell upon me. I looked up. The hideous mask of Darth Vader looked me in the face. I tried not to tremble in fear. I couldn’t help it, I was so afraid. “So, we meet again. This time Alessandra Sloan, you will not escape.” his deep voice pounding in my ears. “Take her to the shuttle.” Storm Trooper gloves wrapped tightly around my arms. I begged to be set free. I struggled in their grasps, and tried to Force my lightsaber off my belt. I was free for moment when I blinded them all with the Force. I started to run, I knew I wasn’t going to live through this. I channeled all my power to the flower I kept in my satchel. “KILL HER!” I heard Vader command. A pain hit me in the back. I fell. I died like any normal person. My Force powers in the flower; the flower that could not be destroyed. DARTH VADER: He took a step forward, unafraid of what lied ahead of him. He didn’t see why this relevant. Why did Palpatine want him to do this? Was it because of he lost the woman, Alessandra? Was it because he loved her, and he just didn’t have the strength to let go of her spirit? She wasn’t his wife, but he loved her. Why did I order her death? Why? I could have stopped her! I am the Dark Side! “Vader! STOP THIS AT ONCE!” commanded Palpatine. “You are just begging to learn the powers of the Dark Side. When you are fully aware of your potential you will be a Lord of the Sith. Now, please go and do as told.” the vision of Palpatine left and Vader was alone with himself again. Now he was Lord of the Sith. Evil to every perspective. He threatened everyone he crossed, destroyed villages, killed millions and manslaughtered Jedi knight. He was how he was and he could never escape it. He was distended to be a man made of machine for the rest of his life. Now that Alessandra was gone from his life, and her clothes were burnt and nothing was left of her, he had no soul to love anyone, ever again. CHAPTER ONE During the Events of Truce at Bakura….. Deep underground was a blue rose, frozen in it’s beautiful state. Sparkling like glass in the sun. The head of a shovel hit the flower and the dirt surrounding it was pulled away. A dirty hand picked the flower up. “What is that?” asked a voice. “I’m not sure.” replied the man holding the flower. He tilted it to have a better look. It was living and healthy. “What should we do with it?” “Sell it. This should bring us a pocket full of credits. Here put it in the bag, Carimen.” the man said to his wife. “I don’t think the Empire or Rebel Alliance will be interested, Danteen.” “Then we sell it to Pirates or smugglers.” “Fine, but we’d better get as many credits as you said.” “Don’t worry, we’ll receive the money. Now put it in the bag with the rest of the treasures we found.” Xenf Gallandro, a twenty-four year old male from Ylix, stood facing Danteen with a grim expression on his face. He looked to Carimen, his hand held out to her, gesturing for the blue rose. She placed it in his hand, backing away. Xenf held the rose up the light fixture in the room. The rose was not glass, for the light did not shine through. It was real all right. But how? How could this rose be living and not withering or breaking when dropped or pulled at? He looked at Danteen. “How much?” “3,000,000 credits, no less.” Danteen scowled, showing no sign of backing off. Xenf places his lips in a grim line, “That’s an awful low of money for a flower. What if it dies when I’m far away from here?” “We’ll reimburse you with your money or something more to your liking. ”The known con man persuaded. Licking his lip, Xenf pulled a sack off his antique belt. He pulled out three crisp million-dollar credits. He placed them in Danteen’s hand. Xenf looked him in the eye, as if to threaten him to keep his word. “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr.Gallandro. May you trip be peaceful.” Danteen held out his hand for the other man to shake. Xenf took the sales mans hand, shaking it and closing off their deal. Xenf’s grip of cold, and non-to reassuring. “The pleasure is all mine.” Carimen, stepping beside her husband, managed to smile. She whispered something to Danteen. He smiled and returned his attention to Xenf. “My wife informs me that there is a comm call for you on our holo transmitter in the other room. If you’d kindly follow her…” he gestured his hand to the door. Xenf nodded slightly, his silver and black stripped hair falling over his left eye. He pushed his hair behind his ear as he walked to the doorframe leading into the next room. He kept the rose in his hand, squeezing it. His ankle high boots scuffed the tiled floor as he walked into the room A house cleaning droid was buzzing about, ducting here and there, while the service droid kept in the corner waiting for further use. “Over here, Mr. Gallandro.” Carimen said. She opened a channel on the holocom. She spoke quietly to the person and backed away, she glared at Xenf as he took his place in front of the screen. “Gallandro here.” he stated to the man in front of him. “Captain, glad I found you. I’ll tell you though, it sure wasn’t easy. What are you doing at Danteen Stif’s home anyway?” “Business. Now what did you want?” Xenf asked growing slightly irritated. “I was to inform you to head off to Lesix, on of Coruscant’s many moons. Princess Leia Organa has requested you personally to take out the orders of this mission.” “Now General Madine, that’s suicidal. She can’t be serious.” Xenf tried to talk himself out of this mission. He wasn’t stupid. He knew the Empire inhabited Coruscant and all of it’s moons, too. “Come now, Captain. You wouldn’t want to disappoint the Princess now would you?” Madine asked, with just a bit of suppressed laughter. “Fine. What do I have to do?” Xenf stopped trying to talk his way out of the mission. “Go to Lesix, rendezvous with Ambassador Vasheek, find out about Darth Vader’s clone, and meet up with Princess Leia, General Solo, and commander Skywalker on Bakura. Your orders have been given. May the Force be with you always.” Madine Stated. “And always with you.” the blinked out. Xenf turned around. Carimen was standing there, her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Not a word of this is to be spoken to anyone.” Xenf narrowed his deep blue eyes at her. Her chin trembled. He felt another pair of eyes on him. Then another, and another until four pairs in all her could feel. Pulling his blaster from its holster, Xenf whirled around. He pulled the trigger, sending five blaster blots in the direction of Danteen. “GET DOWN!” ordered Xenf. Danteen did as told. He pressed himself against the floor. After hearing a buzzing noise above his head, he looked up. Xenf had shot the five storm troopers that had raided their house. “How can I thank-you, Captain Gallandro?” Captain Gallandro? Xenf wondered. Was he here the whole time it was talking to General Madine? “You can start by not mentioning this to anyone. Then you can place a call to the Rebel Alliance and ask for protection. Those Imperial will be back, and better armed.” Danteen nodded, “Of course.” Xenf picked up the blue rose off the floor and placed it in his sack of credits. He walked through the door and into the main area. He picked up his bandanna like cape, wrapped it around his neck, hilted it over his left shoulder and arm. He nodded slightly to Danteen and Carimen before walked out of their house. “Are we going to call the Alliance?” Carimen asked, taking hold of her husband’s arm. “We promised Captain Gallandro we would.” he looked at Carimen with his pearl like eyes. “He’s right you know, the Imperials will be back. They must have wanted something.” Carimen went quiet. “I called them.” “What?” “Captain Gallandro scared me. He frightened me.” she squeezed Danteen’s arm. “Did you tell them about the rose?” She shook her head, “I told them about the Darth Vader journals.” Danteen turned to her, slapped her across the face. “Stupid! We’ll have to evacuate our home now! Get the Alliance on the holo transmitter.” he ran to the back room and started packing. Carimen opened a channel to the Alliance, ‘I’d like to speak with the President, please.” she stated, “One moment, please. Your call has been transferred.” The operator said. The screen lit up with the Rebel Alliance symbol in a blue background. The screen lit up with the face of an auburn haired woman. She smiled, “How may I help you?” “I am Carimen Strife. My husband and I met your agent, Captain Gallandro. He asked us to contact you and ask for protection.” “Protection from what?” “The Imperials. He saved us from an unexpected raid they did on our house.” “Mrs. Strife, I’ll send a shuttle to, “she looked at the data pad in her hand, “Corellia. I’m transferring a command code. General Calrissian will ask for it. If you need anything else before you arrive with our fleet, be sure to ask for me, Mon Mothma.” “Thank-you, we’ll be waiting.” So much to do, and yet so little time, Xenf thought. He had a week to carry out his mission, at which time he would go and visit is his sister in-law and niece. He missed his family, his brother more then ever. So many things have changed since you died dear brother. Stepping up to his ships ramp, Xenf opened the hatch. He stepped in and revved up his A-wing modified with additional laser cannons, tractor beams, and cargo bay. “Dee Five Zee, set course for Lesix. Avoid any run-ins with the Empire.” Xenf settled into the pilot’s seat, next to Dee Five Zee, his navigation droid. He pulled out a data pad, reading over his orders with a fine toothcomb, separating the important to the least important. Of course he had to everything, but he would want to get the hard stuff done first. Dee Five Zee had shut down into sleep mode, he no longer needed, he’d done what he was told. Now, alone, Xenf rested his head on the back of his seat. His mind slipping into the darkness of a somber sleep. “Xenf Gallandro, you destiny lies ahead of you. Your future is untold, but your story is legendary. Listen to your heart.” A young sweet voice whispered. Xenf found him self in a dark room surrounded by humans dressed in Rebel uniforms. His friends. He noticed Kyle Katarn in a far-left corner and Lando Calrissian next to him. Wedge Antilles was standing next to Luke Skywalker. Then there was Leia. Oh how her longed to kiss, hold her, or even be next to her. But she never seemed to notice how he felt about her. Solo. Han Solo was next to her, his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulder. How Xenf wanted to strike Solo down and watch him die. How he hated him for convincing his brother, and driving him to his death. “Life is unfair, isn’t it?” called the voice again. Smoke drifted in front of Xenf. A medium height woman, his age, appeared in font of him. Her chocolate brown hair (tinted blue) hung slight passed her hips. Her face was down cast and sad. She seemed to smile, just a bit. “Who are you?” Xenf asked reaching his hand out to touch her paper doll typeface. “I am a spirit long since dead. My name is Alessandra Sloan. I was Anakin Skywalker’s mistress.” she lowered her eyes on Xenf’s sack. He noticed but ignored it. Regarding her last sentence, he asked, “Did you love him?” “I though I did. That is until I found out about the wife he left. I was furious. I’d lived him before he wore that, “she cringed,” that mask and armor.” she looked into Xenf’s eyes with her cool gray ones. “So I left him. I ran to Alderaan where I hid. King Bail Organa granted me sanctuary. His daughter Leia was just a baby. I felt a great power in her, but didn’t stay long enough to see if her dwelled on the Force, like I did. “With in five years I had managed to keep away from Vader, Anakin. Until one day when I was on Coruscant, looking for my family, my husband I had left and my child Vaneesi. Vader was weak on the Dark Side, sill no aware of his full potential. Still, he sensed me. I was captured. He then ordered my death.” Alessandra’s eyes seemed more hollow now that her sad story was told. Still, Xenf had a question, “You mentioned being Jedi? Did you disappear like all Jedi do when they die?” She shook her head, “No. I channeled my powers into a flower. A red rose, turned blue.” she said, her eyes gleaming through the darkness of the room. Xenf opened his sack and pulled out the rose, aware now as of why she visited him. Her power of preserving the rose, enabling it to stay healthy. “How does one retrieve the powers from this priceless rose?” “Only a true heart can open it. Whether it is a Jedi or any other living being. I do hope you’ll help me find that person, so I may rest.” Alessandra too Xenf by the shoulders and asked, “Will you help me?” He couldn’t say no to the woman shaded in blue, “Yes I will help you.” Suddenly dark turned into light and he heard Dee Five Zee calling him. “Captain Gallandro, incoming Space fighters. T.I.E fighters and a Star Destroyer.”